What Can We Help You Elevate?
Elevate to the
Zen Level
Our Services
Unlocking your full potential, managing stress/anxiety, cultivating a positive mindset, and breaking down mental barriers that hinder your success are just a few issues we can address. Our holistic approach, enables our clients to set meaningful goals, maintain motivation, and develop sustainable habits for a balanced and fulfilling existence. It's a partnership that guides individuals towards both mental clarity and vitality, ensuring they thrive in this existence and achieve a harmonious lifestyle.
Overcoming setbacks, optimizing motivation, improving focus, dealing with stress/anxiety, injury recovery, or navigating the mental challenges of competition are just a few of the issues we can address through athlete mental performance training. Through our sessions we will equip you with the mental skills, fortitude, and tools you will need to succeed. In today's highly competitive sports landscape, the support of a mental performance coach is not just an advantage; it's often the key that unlocks an athlete's full potential and separates champions from contenders.
Diet or fitness plan adherence, stress reduction, motivation, lifestyle/behavioral changes, and confidence building are just a few aspects of well-being we can address through health and wellness coaching. By employing a combination of motivational techniques, education, goal setting/tracking techniques, and behavior change strategies, we empower our clients to make lasting, positive lifestyle changes leading to a higher quality of life and greater satisfaction with their overall health.
Team cohesion, confidence, resilience, stress management, player roles, communication, and establishing buy-in into the team's mission and goals, are just a few of the issues we can address through Team Performance Coaching. Through our Team Coaching workshops, we can ensure your team is unified, operating at peak mental performance, and build a positive team culture. Ultimately, we empower your team to unlock their full potential, enabling them to achieve their goals and success more effectively than ever before.
Rewrite your life's narrative

Free Online Course/Workshop:
"The Six Greatest Gifts for Successful Interpersonal Relationships," offers a transformative journey to understand and navigate the complexities of human connections. By delving into the intricacies of belief systems and their impact on relationships, participants gain valuable insights into the roots of interpersonal challenges.
The course then unveils the six powerful gifts that form the foundation of creating "Harmonious Coexistence". By embracing these gifts, individuals learn practical strategies to foster understanding, build trust, and promote a philosophy of respect and empathy. The application of these gifts in real-life scenarios not only enhances individual relationships but also has the potential to positively influence workplace dynamics.
The emphasis on creating a "Harmonious Coexistence" becomes a catalyst for transforming toxic work environments into spaces where collaboration, communication, and mutual support thrive. Participants emerge with the tools to create lasting positive change, fostering healthier connections both personally and professionally.
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Phone: 423.218.2190
Email: zen@zengame.coach
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